The main aim of "boxfit" is to optimize the packing of items into larger boxes for transport. Consider a manufacturing industry which produces a number of different items that have to be transported to a single location. The small items are packed into boxes of standard dimensions. The cost of transportation is usually based on the volume ie Size of the box and the number of boxes being transported. If the items can be packed into a lesser number of boxes, the industry will be able to save costs and minimize the possibility of damage of items during transportation. The focus of the software is to create a end user solution for the above problem. The input to the software will be the dimensions and quantity of items and the dimension of the box. The input will be taken with help of GUI. The user can create a standard catalog of items and boxes to ease dataentry. The catalog will be stored in a database. The output will be in form of packaging instructions along with a graphical view of the actual position of the items in each of the boxes. This would allow the on-ground packing supervisor to direct workers in packing the items into boxes. The main algorithm of the software is a 3D bin packing algorithm which is known to be NP-hard. Various heuristic algorithms have been presented by computer scientists; the project will implement and test effectiveness of different algorithms on real world data. This is a secondary goal.